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Project Name:
Raising Awareness of Productive Uses of Electricity in Targeted Communities and Support the Enlightened Junior Youth Campaign under the under the Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP) project

Project Reference: IAEREP/PUB/SER/2021-012 
Donor: European Union  
Client: Ministry of Energy 
Project Country: Zambia 
Duration: April 2022 – October 2022 

Emergo was asked to conduct a communications campaign to raise awareness of productive uses of electricity and support a junior youth campaign in Zambia as two actions. The campaign also aimed to increase energy literacy, promote gender sensitivity, and stimulate renewable energy off-grid projects in rural areas.  

For a wide-reaching multi-media content dissemination of information, the media outreach combined a series of radio and television programmes. For radio, a combination of both national and community radio stations was incorporated. In addition, a series of television interview programmes on the national broadcaster, was conducted. feedback, whilst also developing strategies to use in the areas and at roadshow venues and school visits. 


Task area 1 – Raising Awareness of Productive Uses of Electricity in Targeted Communities Implementation 

This intervention aimed to disseminate information on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and pilot a gender-sensitive promotional strategy in rural communities. Five roadshows were conducted over a period of three weeks in five districts (Samfya, Mansa, Choma, Livingstone and Chipata), targeting households, youths in educational institutions, community media and decision-makers. Emergo designed and produced promotional materials, which were distributed as giveaways which included brochures, chitenges, pens and t-shirts. Local drama groups were contracted in each district for live and recorded performances. In total, 3,300 people were reached. 


You can watch the roadshow videos here:  


Task area 2: Support the Enlightened Junior Youth Campaign 

The audiences for this task area were selected schools in the demonstration districts and decision-makers – provincial government authorities, District Commissioners and Mayors in local authorities, traditional leaders, and local community radio stations. The specific communications objective was the promotion of energy literacy on electricity and alternative renewable energy measures. School visits, which covered key messages on EUPamodzi4energy: what energy is, advantages of renewable energy, productive use of electricity, energy efficiency and aspects of energy covering conservation, was conducted in 8 selected secondary schools, with a total learners’ population of 6,383. Of these, 4,720 participated, resulting in an estimated 74% success rate. To ensure the campaign’s success, the learners were engaged in question-and-answer quiz sessions and deserving ones were given educational prizes ranging from books, rulers, pens and school bags. Emergo supported the Ministry of Energy and Pamodzi4Energy during the 2022 Energy Week activities in Chipata. 


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