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Double trouble… Mimicing symptoms: Malaria during COVID-19 SBCC

Client:       SADC Malaria Elimination E8 
Duration: 2021  

While the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged the world, most of the countries afflicted by Malaria still had to deal with the devastation of malaria. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted malaria control activities globally. This resulted into co-infection scenarios where overlapping symptoms imposed serious diagnostic challenges. The SBCC campaign areas targeted crossborder mobile and migrant populations who pose a substantial risk to importation of malaria parasite. In our intervention, we developed COVID-19 prevention messaging for integration with malaria SBCC materials,translated messages into Portuguese and delivered print-ready designs of posters, brochures and billboards.The Elmination Eight Intiative is a coalition of eight countries working across national borders to eliminate malaria is Southern Africa by 2030. 

Intervention hotspots: Botswana – Palapye and Kazungula Border town. Namibia - Ohangwena, Katima Mulilo and Rundu Municipalities. South Africa - Beit Bridge Border Post into Zimbabwe and in Mpumalanga at Lubombo and Kosi Bay in KwaZulu Natal Border into Mozambique. Angola - Santa Clara Border Post (Namaunde District, Cunene Province), Calueque Border Post (Ombadja District, Cunene Province) and Calai Border Post (Calai district, Cuando Cubango Province). 


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